Monday, April 23, 2012

Confederate Memorial Day Observed in Alabama Today

The following is copied from Wikepedia: "Confederate Memorial Day, also known as Confederate Decoration Day (Tennessee) and Confederate Heroes Day (Texas), is an official holiday and/or observance day in parts of the U.S. South as a day to honor those who died fighting for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. Nine states officially observe Confederate Memorial Day: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas."

Today the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), under the leadership of Rosemary Davis, commemorated in fine style with its annual Confederate Memorial Day event. It appropriately takes place at the Confederate Monument on the north side of the Alabama State Capitol. People from all over the State attended.

 A Color Guard in their authentic Confederate Uniforms posted the Colors. Tribute was made to the brave soldiers who fought for what they believed was right. The speaker of the day reminded the crowd that The War was not about slavery but about economics (isn't it always about the money?). 

One of the  high points of the ceremony was when each person attending had the opportunity to name one of their ancestors who had fought. A bell tolled as each name was mentioned.

 Commander Bill Rambo, Director of the Confederate Memorial Park, and his men, brought the program to a rousing finale, as they fired off first a cannon and then rifles. Very impressive. Great job, Rosemary and UDC ladies!  

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