Monday, July 25, 2011

Jefferson Davis' Route To Montgomery

Jefferson Davis had a long and wearying trip from his home at Brierfield to Montgomery where he was inaugurated Provisional President of the Confederate States of America on February 18, 1861.

He left his home and went by river to Vicksburg where he boarded a train for Jackson, Miss. There was no direct rail line from Miss to Alabama so he had to go first to Grand Junction Tenn on the border of Miss and Tenn, and from there to Huntsville, Alabama, making speeches all along the way.

From Huntsville back to Chattanooga, Tenn and from there to Atlanta, GA. From Atlanta he traveled to West Point, GA and then through Opelika and Auburn, to Montgomery, arriving late in the evening on the 16th. The City Fathers had gone by rail to Auburn to meet him. He was one whipped puppy by that time.

When he arrived Montgomery, more dignitaries awaited him. He addressed the crowd at the Exchange Hotel briefly before going to his room. That was when Yancey took over and mesmerized the crowd with his "man and the hour have met" speech.

It is quite understandable that Davis slept late the next morning! Also that Varina did not choose to accompany him on this long and ardourous journey. I read that she arrived March 4th by river!

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